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Chamber Music Concert |
Event Type: | | Music |
Facility: | | School of Music (MUS) |
Presented By: | | School of Music |
Description: | | This concert features a wide range of chamber music experiences within the School of Music. Winds, strings, voice, piano, guitar, classical music, contempory music, opera, commercial music! All in one evening, on one stage. |
Date: | | 1/30/2025 |
Event Information: | | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Estimated Attendance: 200\par
Description of Event: Fall Chamber Singers performance featuring 25 singers with piano accompanist, plus a guest pianist. Run time is approximately 75 min (no more than 90 min).\par
Web Description: The USF Chamber Singers presents "Then & Now"! A journey in two parts, "Then" features Renaissance madrigals and motets from across Europe, while "Now" features exciting works by living composers from around the globe. Rounding out the program are a surprise guest artist and celebratory performances of "Locus Iste" by Anton Bruckner and "Elijah Rock" by Moses Hogan. Join us on Wednesday, November 1st at 7:30pm, USF School of Music Concert Hall. Free admission. Tickets at 6:30pm, doors at 7:00pm. Tickets available in person only (first come, first served; one ticket per person).\par
Technical Needs: \par
2-3 music stands (no conductor music stand or podium)\par
Talk mic\par
Choral mics (as needed for balance with the piano)\par
Lighting is a simple stage wash - no effects or spots needed\par
We will not need:\par
Choral risers\par
Conductor music stand\par
Conductor podium\f1\par
| | |
Purchase Tickets: | | |
Location: | | Concert Hall-Stage |
Start Time: | | 7:30 PM |
End Time: | | 9:30 PM |