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Faculty/Guest Artist Recital: Ars Nostra - Dulcis Domus

Event Type: Music
Facility: School of Music (MUS)
Presented By: School of Music
As a part of our new theme "Ars Nostra," pianists Sang-Hie Lee and Youmee Kim collaborate in a concert of works by JB Floyd, Gerald Chenoweth, EunHye Park, Robert Paterson, and Chan Hae 
Lee. Three Tributes for Two Pianos (1991) by JB Floyd explore 20st-century harmonic sonority and unconventional contrapuntal lines. A commissioned piece Celestial Phenomena (2008) by Gerald 
Chenoweth has three descriptive movements, "Big Bang," "Starshine," and "Night Sky - Dawn" each evoking an image of heavenly phenomenon.  Deep Blue Ocean (2010) by Robert Paterson 
depicts a personal encounter of the water with the depth and fluidity as the composer learned to scuba dive in the Gulf of Mexico and at the same time as he was becoming a new father. Frozen 
Land (2010) by Chan Hae Lee was commissioned by Sang-Hie Lee to envision the past war time and a future hope of reunification of the "two Koreas." EunHye Park’s innovative work will bring together 
the Piano Duo, Percussion Ensemble, and Dance. 

"Ars Nostra" is a concept rather than a group. It is intended to promote "our arts" by performing musical works composed by our colleagues and contemporaries. The composers of our time have 
extra-ordinarily diverse and rich sources to draw upon from the ancient-anthropological resources, 
multiple ethnicities, the established Western arts traditions, jazz, rock and pop, electronic capabilities, and other creative fusions. Our contemporary composers also bring their life-experiences as well as 
historical sensitivity that are lived in the turbulent 20th- and 21st-century world into their work.  For the composer, the genre of two pianos gives an expansive opportunity to work with this magnificent 
orchestral instrument; for the performer, the ensemble experience is like non other as the identical sonority must work in complimentary fashion rather than mere duplication. 

Piano Duo Team:

Sang-Hie Lee, PhD
Youmee Kim, DMA


JB Floyd		Tribute for Two Pianos (1991)
Gerald Chenoweth	Celestial Phenomena (2008)
Robert Paterson	Deep Blue Ocean for Two Pianos (2010)
Chan Hae Lee	Frozen Land for Two Pianos (2010)
EunHye Park	Su Kyoung Byul Gok for Piano Duo, Percussion Ensemble, and Dance	
	Percussion Ensemble conducted by Robert McCormick
Date: 10/22/2012
Event Information: For additional event information, please visit:
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Location: Concert Hall-Stage
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