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Miki Kratsman: People I Met

Event Type: Exhibition
Facility: Contemporary Art Museum
Presented By: USF Institute for Research in Art
For three decades, Miki Kratsman has been one of the leading chroniclers of life in the Israeli-occupied territories. His photographs "many of them documentary images taken during a previous life 
as a press photographer for the Israeli newspapers Hadashot and Haaretz" uncover personal stories while revealing the violent, often detached nature of Israel's military occupation of the West Bank 
and Gaza. While trying to answer the question "What happened to the people in the photographs?," Kratsman amassed a vast archive of more than 9,000 portraits of anonymous Palestinians, which he 
first uploaded onto a dedicated Facebook page in 2011: The installation at USFCAM materializes the artist’s 
growing portrait archive together with identifying commentary that, in some cases, serves as a literal proof of life-or death.

Organized by USFCAM curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Fauné, People I Met raises questions about 
the culture of representation and continues the museum’s tradition of presenting challenging artwork with social content. Alongside Kratsman’s portrait archive/installation, the exhibition also includes 
several recent photographic series as well as a video titled 70 Meters...White T-shirt.
Date: 10/18/2018
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Purchase Tickets: Free Event.
Location: CAM-E/W/Lobby Gal
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 8:00 PM
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