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Rutenberg Festival: Baumer Quartet with USF Faculty/Students

Event Type: Music
Facility: School of Music (MUS)
Presented By: School of Music
The 2012 Rutenberg Chamber Music Festival culminates with a collaborative concert featuring the Baumer SQ with USF Resident Artists and select USF students.  The concert will feature works by Piazzolla, Schubert, Britten, Mendelssohn, and many more! 

The Rutenberg Festival presents a Chamber Music Recital featuring Baumer String Quartet with USF 
resident artists and USF chamber music students.  

USF welcomes the Baumer String Quartet to celebrate the return of the Joan and Daniel Rutenberg 
Chamber Music Festival this fall!  This year's festival will include public masterclasses, open 
rehearsals, q & a sessions, a guest artist recital, and a collaborative concert featuring the Baumer 
String Quartet with our own USF resident artists and chamber music students.  
Date: 10/6/2012
Event Information: For additional event information, please visit:
Purchase Tickets:
Location: Concert Hall-Stage
Start Time: 7:30 PM
End Time: 9:00 PM
Location: Concert Hall-Stage
Start Time: 
End Time: 
Location: Concert Hall-Lobby
Start Time: 
End Time: 
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