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USF Faculty/Guest Artist Recital: Null-state |
Event Type: | | Music |
Facility: | | School of Music (MUS) |
Presented By: | | School of Music |
Description: | | The international electroacoustic performing duo Null-state, comprised of USF faculty Benjamin D.
Whiting and Zürich-based interdisciplinary artist and flautist Melody Chua, will be presenting a concert
showcasing their sensor-augmented flute, dubbed the Chaosflöte. Original compositions by Whiting,
Chua, and 2019 Null-state Commission Competition winner Tak-Cheung Hui, will be featured on the
first half of the program. The second half focuses on live-coding improvisations where Whiting will
reprogram the instrument as Chua performs and will write code creating complex musical textures,
projected before your very eyes. All pieces will feature both electronic audio and visual components,
so this concert will truly be a feast for your senses. You can find out more about Null-state on their
website, |
Date: | | 11/20/2019 |
Event Information: | | For additional event information, please visit:
| | |
Purchase Tickets: | | |
Location: | | Barness Recital Hall |
Start Time: | | 7:30 PM |
End Time: | | 9:00 PM |