University of South Florida College of Design, Art & Performance

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R&R Festival: Speed Killed My Cousin

Event Type: Theatre
Facility: Theatre 1 (TAT)
Presented By: ART2ACTION, INC.
Speed Killed My Cousin, by Linda Parris-Bailey and The Carpetbag Theatre, directed by Andrea Assaf, featuring Andresia "Real" Moseley. An original play about an African American woman soldier 
who returns from Iraq and struggles with PTSD, Moral Injury, the issue of Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and her family's history with vehicular suicide. This exceptional work will open the festival, 
helping to ground the Summit dialogues in the complex intersections of race, gender, and multi-
generational military service in families. This performance includes strong language and adult themes 
related to war and violence. Performance will be followedby a post-show dialogue with the artists @ 
USF Theatre 1.
Date: 2/1/2017
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Location: TAT-Hall/Stage
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