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Kotler Lecture Series: Libby Larsen, Composer

Event Type: Music
Facility: School of Music (MUS)
Presented By: School of Music
TALK: Many to Many: How American Culture Shapes My Music
PERFORMANCE: An Introduction to the Moon, by Libby Larson, featuring performers from across the
College of The Arts. 

Audience members are encouraged to bring an iPad, iPhone, or other personal device, that is pre-
loaded with the app “Bebot - Robot Synth” so they can participate in the performance of An Introduction to the Moon.

Libby Larsen is one of America’s most performed living composers. She has created a catalogue of 
over 500 works spanning virtually every genre from intimate vocal and chamber music to massive 
orchestral works and over twelve operas.Grammy Award winning and widely recorded, including over
fifty CDs of her work, she is constantly sought after for commissions and premieres by major artists, 
ensembles, and orchestras around the world, and has established a permanent place for her works in the concert repertory.

As a vigorous, articulate advocate for the music and musicians of our time, in 1973 Larsen co-
founded the Minnesota Composers Forum, now the American Composer’s Forum. A former holder of
the Papamarkou Chair at John W. Kluge Center of the Library of Congress, Larsen has also held 
residencies with the Minnesota Orchestra, the Charlotte Symphony, and the Colorado Symphony. Her
career has been recognized with several awards including MIT’s McDermott award, the Peabody 
Award, and the American Academy’s Arts and Letters Award.

This event is funded by the Arnold & Louise Kotler Memorial Endowment Fund.
Lectures focus on contemporary topics of importance regarding the arts and contemporary culture.

Date: 2/6/2018
Event Information: 
Purchase Tickets: Free Event.
Location: Concert Hall-Stage
Start Time: 
End Time: 
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