Architecture & Community Design | Art & Art History | Music | Theatre & Dance | Institute for Research in Art
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SoM: Band Clinic King Middle School and Manatee High School |
Event Type: | | Music |
Facility: | | School of Music (MUS) |
Presented By: | | School of Music |
Description: | | |
Date: | | 3/4/2025 |
Event Information: | | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Patrick Henry High School Clinic \par
February 8, 2024 \par
9:00 \f1\endash KKPsi sets up the Concert Hall for Rehearsal \par
9:30 \endash Bus arrives at USF - Dr. McCutchen and (? Colorguard) meet band in front of the SOM \par
Students unload, stretch, use restrooms in the Concert Hall lobby \par
9:45 \endash Band clinic with Dr. McCutchen in Concert Hall \par
Guard Clinic with (?) in courtyard \par
11:00 \endash Clinics end, band leaves for Disney, (which will be a letdown for them following the remarkable experience they\rquote ve just had at USF). \par
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Purchase Tickets: | | |
Location: | | Concert Hall-Stage |
Start Time: | | 8:00 AM |
End Time: | | 11:00 AM |
Location: | | Conference Ctr. A/B |
Start Time: | | |
End Time: | | |