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USF Symphonic Band

Event Type: Music
Facility: School of Music (MUS)
Presented By: School of Music
On February 26, 2015 at 7:30 pm in the University of South Florida School of Music Concert Hall, the 
Wind Ensemble will be presenting a concert entitled: Location, Location, Location. As the title infers, 
the concert is comprised of musical works that have some kind of connection to a place. The 
strongest connection occurs with a performance of Hammersmith by Gustav Holst, which represents 
that district in London. Festive Overture by Dmitri Shostakovich, takes us to Russia, as does the 
Cossack Dance. A performance of Warren Benson’s The Passing Bell, puts us in an American 
church memorializing the tragic passing of a band student. Pale Blue on Deep is based upon the 
reflections of composer Aaron Perrine as he sat on the shore of Lake Superior. Several other location 
connections are made in this diverse and entertaining program.  We hope you will be able to attend.
Date: 4/15/2015
Event Information: For additional event information, please visit:
Purchase Tickets:
Location: Concert Hall-Stage
Start Time: 
End Time: 
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