Description: | | Inertia: The Musical is an original musical written/composed by USF student Chris Sgammato for his Honors Thesis. Making it's world premiere in USF's Theatre II, Inertia is the first entirely student-composed, student-directed, inter-disciplinary main stage musical ever to premiere at USF.
With over 60 students from all 4 schools in the College of The Arts involved in it's production, and with the support of various student organizations on campus, this musical is the first truly collaborative musical endeavor at USF.
Set in a dystopian society the day after today, INERTIA encourages The People of the U.S.S.A. to resist willful ignorance, to set aside their mindless distractions and wake up to the atrocities of this
world. As The People begin to question, rationalize, and think for themselves, they become active participants in the democratic system; mindless buyers, voluntary slaves and ignorant Sheeple are
transformed into responsible consumers, tolerant believers, and informed citizens. These FreeThinkers launch a campaign to block the passage of Proposition 1-9-8-4, the final phase of an
elitist plot to kill Lady Liberty and complete the transformation from Democratic Republic to Corporate-Controlled Capitalism.
Recognizing a potential threat to their power, the despotic Bilderberg group introduces stronger versions of popular distractions, including an addicting substance known as "product" to pacify the
population. Will the U.S.S.A. resist inertia, wake up to the atrocities of the world, and fix them? Or will the Bilderberg group maintain economic and intellectual dominance over the population? Sapere
Aude - Dare to know!