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Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival 2015

Event Type: Music
Facility: School of Music (MUS)
REBECCA PENNEYS PIANO FESTIVAL is unique in the world of piano instruction. A multi-
generational international and renowned faculty teaches technique and musicianship in a traditional 
and innovative context while embracing creative and holistic concepts in learning, health and human 
potential. We are a tuition-free festival!  In our new, intimate and spectacular environment, with all 
new Steinway pianos, you have the luxury of a dazzling array of lessons, classes and performance 

Saturday July 18 at 2 PM
Music for a Summer Afternoon - Works by Brahms, Berg, and Debussy
Enrico Elisi and Rebecca Penneys, solo pianists

Friday July 24 at 7 PM
RPPF Student Showcase Concert - Varied program by RPPF students

Sunday July 26 at 4 PM
2 Piano 8 Hand Extravaganza -What Pianists & Pianos do for Fun!
Eunmi Ko, Rebecca Penneys, Omri Shimron, Johnandrew Slominski
Tuesday July 21 at 4 PM
Piano Perspectives 1 - Tabitha Columbare & Omri Shimron
music by Ben-Haim, Wiesenberg, and Chopin

Tuesday July 28 at 4 PM
Piano Perspectives 2 - Eunmi Ko and Johnandrew Slominski
music by Feldman, Granados, Debussy and Franck
Thursday July 18 at 1:30 PM - Allegro Senior Living, St Petersburg
Sunday July 19 at 10:30 AM - Unitarian Universalist Church, Clearwater
Monday Jul 20 at 4 PM - ASPEC at Eckerd College
Wednesday Jul 22 at 2 PM - University Village, Tampa
Monday Jul 27 at 6:30 PM - Westminster Shores, St Petersburg
Friday Jul 31 at 7:30 PM - St Petersburg College Music Center, Gibbs Campus

Visit the Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival home page for additional information and to confirm times.
Date: 7/22/2015
Event Information: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par \pard\f1\fs24 Saturday July 18, 4 PM Show (HM & SS)\par \par Tuesday July 21, 4 PM Show (Mike will take care of this)\par \par Friday July 24, 7 PM Show (HM & SS)\par \par Sunday July 26 at 4 PM (HM, SS, and Usher, this sold out last year)\par \par \pard Tuesday July 28 at 4 PM (Mike will take care of this)\f0\fs20\par }
Purchase Tickets: 
Location: MUS 207-Classroom
Start Time: 
End Time: 
Location: Barness Recital Hall
Start Time: 
End Time: 
Location: MUS 116-Piano Class
Start Time: 
End Time: 
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