University of South Florida College of Design, Art & Performance

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The Waiting Room

Event Type: Theatre
Facility: Theatre 2 (THR)
Presented By: School of Theatre
The Waiting Room is a dark comedy about the timeless quest for beauty; and its cost. Three women from different centuries meet in a modern doctor’s waiting room. Forgiveness From Heaven is an 
eighteenth-century Chinese woman whose bound feet are causing her to lose her toes. Victoria is a nineteenth-century tightly corseted English woman suffering from what is commonly known as 
"hysteria". Then there is Wanda, a modern gal from New Jersey who is having problems with her silicone breasts. Husbands, doctors, Freud, the drug industry and the FDA all come under 
examination. The play is a wild ride through medical and sexual politics, including the politics of the ever-present battle with breast cancer.
Date: 9/20/2010
Event Information: For event information please visit:
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Location: THR-Hall/Stage
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