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Suncaost Music Education Research Symposium VIII

Event Type: Seminar/Wkshop
Facility: Marshall Student Center
Presented By: School of Music
The Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium VIII will highlight current research and thought on popular music pedagogy. The Symposium comprises international and interdisciplinary 
presentations which support the mission of the Center for Music Education Research (CMER) at the University of South Florida, including empirical, theoretical, philosophical, psychological, 
computational, ethnographic, and pedagogical perspectives in all types of teaching and learning contexts.

Symposium topics include:

    * definitions and theories and values of popular musics worldwide.
    * qualities of musical expression in popular music.
    * universal and non-universal aspects of popular music.
    * teaching, learning, assessment and evaluating.
    * formal and informal aspects of popular music pedagogy.
    * applications of technology in popular music pedagogy.
    * new initiatives in popular music pedagogy research.

Conference Schedule:

Symposium Program

Wednesday, February 2
    7:00 pm - Opening Reception

Thursday, February 3
    8:15 am - Opening Remarks
    8:30 am - Keynote Speaker I
    9:45 am - Poster Sessions
    10:30 am - Paper Presentations
    1:00 pm - Keynote Speaker II
    2:15 pm - Paper Presentations

Friday, February 4
    8:15 am - Opening Remarks
    8:30 am - Keynote Speaker III
    9:45 am - Poster Sessions
    10:30 am - Paper Presentations
    1:00 pm - Paper Persentations
    7:00 pm - Conference Dinner

Saturday, February 5
    8:15 am - Opening Remarks
    8:30 am - CMER Awards
    10:30 am - Keynote Speaker Panel
    12:00 pm - Symposium End

Advance Conference Registration (available until January 2, 2011)
Regular $200 (USD)
Student $100 (USD)

Conference Registration (available from January 3, 2011 and on-site)
Regular $250 (USD)
Student $125 (USD)

Conference Registration includes an Opening Reception, Conference Dinner on Friday evening, and snacks and drinks through out the Symposium.

Refund Policy: There will be a full refund of registration, minus a $20 (USD) service fee, until January 2, 2011. There 
will be no refund of registration after January 2, 2011.

Questions regarding the Symposium should be directed to:
David A. Williams
Center for Music Education Research
School of Music
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue FAH110
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2311 (813) 974-8721 fax

Date: 2/5/2011
Event Information: For additional event information, please visit:
Purchase Tickets: 
Location: MSC 3707
Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
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