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Rhino/3DS Max Workshop

Event Type: Seminar/Wkshop
Facility: Architecture and Community Design (HMS)
Presented By: School of Arch. & Community Design
Rhino/3DS Max Workshop    Instructor:  Nicholas "Whitey" Lowe

"recent architectural work exploring new digital tools and process can be broadly categorized in terms of purpose as productive or generative.  The first, productive, is focused on enabling an 
architect to visualize, achieve of refine an architectural concept which has already been formally predetermined.  The second category of use concerns the generation of architectural form from data-
inputs (referred to generally as parametric design).

...Both categories involve new technology" the key difference is in the way in which the digital 
processes are engaged creatively and the ultimate representational intent of the architect....

	Cynthia Ottchen, OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

The digital workshop will investigate basic digital modeling techniques with the purpose of employing them in the design process.  Our focus will be the exploration of a wide variety of modeling tools 
within Rhinoceros 4.0 and basic rendering/material options within 3D studio Max.  The goal of the workshop is to build students’ comfort level and familiarity with the features of the software, so these 
tools may be implemented in the design studio.

The workshop offers an interactive lab based setting to collaboratively interface with the features of the software and other students.  The goal is not to cover all aspects of each software, but to build a 
foundation and set of techniques that students can continue to improve throughout the semester and beyond.


Basic AutoCAD, Photoshop skills
Some experience with 3-dimensional design (sketchUp, FormZ) is a plus
Enthusiastic attitude

Softwares covered:
Rhinoceros 4.0 - modeling
3DS Max 2012 - materials & rendering
Photoshop CS5 - final composite

Class Dates:

Friday Jan 27th: 6:00-10pm
Saturday Jan 28th: 9:00am-1:00pm
Sunday, Jan 29th: 9:00 am - 1:00pm

Class will be held in the SACD computer lab, HMS 106

Plan A: USF Student $325.00 
Plan B: Non USF Student $395.00
Plan C: Professional $450.00

Date: 1/29/2012
Event Information: For additional event information, please visit:
Purchase Tickets:
Location: HMS-Courtyard
Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Time: 1:00 PM
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