University of South Florida College of The Arts

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Symphonic Band Pops Concert

Event Type: Music
Presented By: School of Music
The USF School of Music is excited to bring a night of popular music to the center of campus with an outdoor performance at the Marshall Student Center! The Symphonic Band will be joined by several 
vocal soloists as they entertain with recognizable movie soundtracks, popular songs, and Broadway favorites. Students, faculty, and community members are welcome to bring picnic blankets and 
snacks to enjoy, though plenty of seating will also be provided. Bring a friend and join in on the fun of this night of POPS in the fresh evening air - Tuesday, October 24 at 7pm. See you there!
Date: 10/24/2023
Event Information: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Web Description:\par The USF School of Music is excited to bring a night of popular music to the center of campus with an outdoor performance at the Marshall Student Center! The Symphonic Band will be joined by several vocal soloists as they entertain with recognizable movie soundtracks, popular songs, and Broadway favorites. Students, faculty, and community members are welcome to bring picnic blankets and snacks to enjoy, though plenty of seating will also be provided. Bring a friend and join in on the fun of this night of POPS in the fresh evening air - Tuesday, October 24 at 7pm. See you there!\par \par 60 participants, audience size unknown\par \par We will be invoiced by the Marshall Student Center for renting the space and audio equipment. David Williams is aware of this and has approved it.\par \par The student center staff is taking care of this.\par \par We will need percussion equipment and a keyboard transported to the student center in the afternoon on October 24. Using the COTA Truck\f1\par \par }
Purchase Tickets: 
Location: See Event Info.
Start Time: 7:00 PM
End Time: 8:00 PM
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